UK Financial Advisers
For companies looking to understand this investment distribution channel
Market size, participants and trends within the UK financial advice market including commercial developments around ownership, charging structures and outsourcing. How investment propositions used by advisers influence distribution.

Planning Technology
Analyses financial advisers’ planning processes, including the tools used for risk profiling, cash flow modelling and back-office administration. The report covers how approaches differ for clients in accumulation and decumulation, such as measuring capacity for loss and retirement-specific planning challenges.
Investment Distribution
Examines financial advisers’ investment propositions for clients in both accumulation and decumulation, covering trends in CIPs/CRPs, fund selection criteria, sustainable investing and the influence of research agencies. The report identifies key decision-makers in firms and what drives advisers’ investment strategies.

Market Overview
Analysis of the size and structure of the financial advice market and the trends impacting business models. Key issues are pressures on the value chain, consolidation and integration, pricing and the outlook for the advice sector as a product distribution channel.
UK Consumer Insights
Behaviours and views of the end investor including self-directed, advised and non-investors and sizing the UK retail investing opportunity. Available to subscribers of any UK research.